Saturday, December 20, 2008

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a crazy fan of doritos.

... That's not to say I don't like them.

I started this blog because Jamie told me to and I'm as bored as a sloth on a stick. Mind you, I wouldn't want to know where that stick is at. O__O

I guess I'll try and treat this as my journal or dairy or whatever. That might mean that this blog might die in a couple of months. Weeks. Days. Hours. Can we even go as far to say minutes? I'm sorta bad at keeping track of things, and I'm quite forgetful. Let me give you an example of how forgetful I am because you don't really need to know but I want to tell you internet stalkers out there anyways.

Case 1 of Moi (thats right, I'm a case... suitcase LOL):

Today at the Chinese store my mom phoned me and asked me to bring home some pumpkin or squash or SOMETHING of that nature. Naturally I don't do as she asks and I wander off into the drink section so I could get some of the asain juice I was going to get originally. I found them and was overwhelmed with how many flavours there were. So I got 2 of everything. 10 bucks down the drain right there. Then I passed by some pocky and I ask: who can resist pocky?!?! Blah blah blah my adventures end at the cashier and guess what? I don't have any pumpkin -_____- Then my dad who miraculously appears out of nowhere is standing by me waiting for the line to freaking move and once we reach the front he's all like "OMG THERES NO PUMPKIN". and he runs as fast as he can to get it. It was a funny sight since my dad is no runner and he jiggles like Santa.

Hmmmm... There's a pimple forming on my forehead... great. >____<
I'm hungry.=(

My asain juice is just making me go pee -___________-

My nails are sparkly.


No I'm not fat. If you think that you can super glue your feet to the ceiling and pass out.

I had a dream last night. If only I could remember it. T________T

Oh and that chick's bitch needs to talk to me again. I miss making fun of you.


  1. chick's bitch?

    "my dad is no runner and he jiggles like Santa."
    I guess there's more to love. lol

    btw. we're keeping up this blog UP man I'm gonna nudge you to death if you don't.

  2. btw.. it's a PB&Jamie Sandwich you need. extra special.
